Anyang Hengsheng Renewable Resources Recycling Co.

Calcined Zinc Oxide Products for Cement

Calcined zinc oxide can promote the oxidation of sulfide in cement, thereby effectively reducing the content of sulfide in cement, reducing the odor of cement and environmental pollution.

Calcied zinc oxide is a common additive widely used in cement production. The following is the product introduction of calcined zinc oxide products used in cement:

product description:

Calcined zinc oxide is an inorganic compound obtained by calcining zinc oxide ore at high temperature, and it is in the form of white particles or powder. It is a stable form of zinc oxide with excellent chemical and thermal stability.


Calcined zinc oxide has the following functional characteristics in cement:

1. Catalysis: Calcined zinc oxide can promote the oxidation of sulfide in cement, thereby effectively reducing the content of sulfide in cement, reducing the odor of cement and environmental pollution.

2. Antibacterial and antifungal: Calcined zinc oxide has excellent antibacterial properties, which can effectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms in cement, reduce the growth of mold and bacteria, and prolong the service life of cement.

Improve mechanical properties: The addition of calcined zinc oxide can improve the strength and durability of cement, increase the compressive strength and flexural strength of cement, and improve the physical properties of cement.

Adjust color: Calcined zinc oxide can adjust the color of cement to make it more uniform and beautiful.

3. Application method:

Calcined zinc oxide is usually added to cement in powder form and thoroughly mixed with other cement raw materials. The amount added is generally 0.1% to 1% of the total weight of cement, and the specific amount can be adjusted according to the actual situation. During the production process, it can be fine-tuned as needed to obtain the best results.

4. Safety and environmental protection:

Calcined zinc oxide is a safe and environmentally friendly material that is harmless to humans and the environment when used correctly. During handling and use, pay attention to dust protection and avoid direct contact with eyes and skin. In case of accidental splash into eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.